Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Solid Food!

Dear Isabella,

What an exciting weekend you had! Not only your check up, but your first "solid" foods too!

On Sunday we made you your first rice cereal. If I were to guess from your reaction, I would say it got "mixed reviews." Eventually you got the hang of it and by Monday night, you were a rice cereal pro!

We took hundreds of pictures (I'm not even exaggerating) but here are just a few. If you ever have a little brother or sister I wonder if his or her first solids will be recognized with such pomp and circumstance?


Saturday, October 8, 2011

Six Month Check Up

Dear Isabella,

Yesterday was your six month "birthday!" And today you had your check up. You're 25.5 inches tall (that's more than 2 feet tall!) and 17 pounds. Getting bigger every day!

We're going to start you on solids tomorrow (although they should really called it "mushies," not solids). Everyone's excited to see how you'll like it. Also we'll start you on vitamins.

You had two shots today - a flu shot and a polio vaccine. You're at Grandma and Grandpa Nick's house tonight - I hope your shots don't make you too fussy or feverish.

I love you my Bean, don't grow too fast okay?


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Terrible Twos?

Dear Isabella,

Have we reached a six month version of the terrible twos? You are quite the tantrum thrower the past couple of days! Especially today.

This morning was the first day ever that you didn't wake up with a smile. You were cranky and crying and mad at Daddy when he was changing you - I could even hear you when I was in the shower! Then when I picked you up after work Grandpa said you had a couple of tantrums this afternoon. One was after you fell over from sitting up (he said you hardly bonked your head at all!) and one was when he put you down in your play yard to make you a bottle.

Then tonight you were happily chewing on your washcloth (your current favorite tub toy - you love chewing on cloth for some reason) and suddenly you were crying and screaming. I checked and the water was the way you like it and nothing bit or pinched you. You just decided you'd had enough and you didn't stop till you were dried, dressed and sitting in the rocker with your bottle.

You certainly have an opinion nowadays, and your mind can't easily be changed. Oh boy if this is what six month old attitudes are like, Daddy and I are in for some trouble...

But you're still my pretty angel. Look at you sleeping.

I love you, Sweet Pea. Goodnight.
