Saturday, April 14, 2012

What's It Like To Be A Toddler?

Dear Isabella,

You had so much fun on your birthday! You played with all your guests and you didn't need a nap. What a big girl!

This week you have been so happy to have your own shelf on our bookshelf and you've been playing nicely with all your new toys.

You don't drink formula anymore - just cow's milk. This makes me kind of sad because it means you're getting to be a little girl instead of my little baby.

You are also learning to wink...kind of. If Daddy or I wink at you, you smile and blink back at us. You think it's so funny!

The other day I was giving you a bath and you stood up and even though we have a nonslip mat, you stepped backwards and slipped. You bonked the back of your head on the tub floor and you were so scared and crying so hard! Mommy felt so bad for you. But in a couple minutes you were ready to play in the bath again. Mommy and Daddy were so proud of our brave girl. And good thing too because you were so dirty from playing hard that day!

So now that you're officially a toddler, what is it like? You seem to have fun every day and you're such a happy baby. Sorry, toddler. You still love swinging your legs - we'll have to break that habit before we take you to the movies.

When we tell you, "kiss!" you open your mouth wide and wait for the person to kiss you. It's pretty funny.


Friday, April 6, 2012

Happy Birthday Isabella!

Dear Isabella,

Happy first birthday my little angel! I cannot believe it has been a year. I am so proud you are mine, I can't believe how beautiful you are, and I am so grateful for how you make me smile every single day.

You're already such a big little girl. Walking around with confidence, having fun carrying two toys (or more!) at once, learning to play with Orange nicely, making friends, practicing feeding yourself and learning to point at words you know. You're so smart and determined. I love the determined look you get on your face when you are trying to do something new.

I think back to when you were a newborn. You were so little - I think you have doubled in height at least! I remember you sleeping in your bassinet beside our bed and watching your little legs go up...then down! And up...then down! I hold your hand now and marvel at how little and chubby it is.

I made a video for you birthday. I hope you like it. I love you, Bean.
