Saturday, January 12, 2013


Dear Isabella,

Here are some of "your" words:

Heppanin - help
Uppanin - up (please pick me up, please help me up)
Mookanin - milk
Runinnin - running
Weedanin - reading
Sitannin - sit
House-anin - house (in reference to your castle)

You add "annin" not necessarily to make a word an active verb (like saying "ing") but often just for emphasis. So if you REALLY mean it you add one or two more annin's. Like "mookaninnin" or "sitannininin".

You're so funny.


Friday, January 11, 2013


Dear Isabella,

I forgot to mention your other "-inin'" words - upinin is also accompanied by "heppanin" (help - not helping, mind you, but help as in please help) and "yappanin" (lap) and "hide-inin" (hiding). There are others. You add "-inin" to almost anything.

Also, you say "talk" when you see a cell phone, and point to whoever is holding it. Only thing is you replace the "t" sound with a "k" sound. So far you haven't done this in public. I hope you learn to say the "t" sound for this word soon!


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Holidays and More

Dear Isabella,

This Christmas with you was so fun! You still don't quite understand but you were into it anyway. You loved the lights everywhere, and ripping open presents, and I think you liked all the excitement and electricity in the air. You got so many presents! These are just some of your favorites: clothes (you're such a girly girl!), castle, chair, letter factories, kitchen.

You're growing so fast and your vocabulary is just too big for me to keep up now. But one thing that is so cute and unique is that you add "inin'" to every verb. So if you're sitting you're "sit-inin" or if you want to be carried you say "up-inin". Singing is "sin-in" and reading is "weed-inin."

You're also so particular - you want things to be put away in their place and if we change it you get a little perturbed. Does this translate into you cleaning up your toys without being asked? No of course not! But once we do clean up, it must be done properly.

Also lately you've been hiding ("hide-inin") your face if you get scolded. It's hard not to smile or laugh when you do that.

Happy new year my angel! 2013 is going to be another great adventure of learning and growing!
