Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

December 24, 2014 at 08:08PM

Convo between my mom and the kid: Gma: I want you to tell me in the morning what Santa brings you. Monster: Well I can text you. from Facebook


Sunday, December 7, 2014

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

December 02, 2014 at 07:29PM

I am NOT making this up. [Also, for some background, we took two airplanes to get to 'Sconsin earlier this year.] Just now we were talking about how far away Arendelle is. (Yeah, I know it's a made up place.) I told her it was twice as far as GranGran's house and that GranGran's house is halfway to Arendelle. Then this happened: Her: So we could just drive there. Me: No way, it's way far away. Her: So we would have to fly? Me: Yep. We would have to take TWO more airplanes to get there. [pause] Her: So we would go on FOUR airplanes? Me: *stares dumbfoundedly* from Facebook


Sunday, November 30, 2014

November 30, 2014 at 09:10PM

According to her, at our old house we had an alligator. (Elevator.) from Facebook


Monday, November 10, 2014

November 10, 2014 at 07:40PM

Monster (laying on my chest): I can hear your heart bleat. It's bleeding fast. from Facebook


Sunday, November 9, 2014

November 09, 2014 at 10:38PM

Nov 9: Grateful for my kid who comes up with the weirdest things. Like today at breakfast (literally out of the blue, as in right before this we were talking about butter): Her: Me and Mommy are white and Daddy is brown. [Strange looks exchanged between Alex and I] Me: Hmm. Why do you say that, honey? Her: I dunno. Alex: Where did you learn that, bebé? Her: Nowhere. Me: Well, what makes me and you white, and Daddy brown? Her: [starting to get shy] I'm just kidding. Me: [smiling] It's ok to notice things, I'm just curious why you think that. Alex: Is it the color of our hair? Her: Yes. Me: [acting silly] Waaiiit a minute. When did you get white hair?! Her: [laughing] Noooo! Alex: So what color is your hair? Her: Brown! Me: So you're brown too! Her: No! Daddy is brown and you and me are white. And Grandpa is brown. Us [trying not to laugh]: So what is Grandma? Her: White! Boys are brown and girls are white. Us: Hmmm. This is especially confusing because she and I aren't that much fairer than Alex. We asked her what "color" several of our friends and family are but by then she was over it and kept saying "I dunno" and laughing. from Facebook


Tuesday, October 28, 2014

October 28, 2014 at 10:38AM

I forgot to mention last night that after we talked a little about how kitty cats can't talk and they talk to us with their body language like spikey hair and flat ears and flicking tail she thought a minute and said, a little forlornly, "I just don't understand him. And he doesn't understand me." from Facebook


Monday, October 27, 2014

October 27, 2014 at 06:57PM

Monster sits next to me. Orange sits next to her and lets her play with his tail. For quite a while actually. Orange gets annoyed and bats at her arm and she bursts into soul-wracking tears. Like hard-to-breathe-heart-wrenching tears. I get her calmed down enough to talk and ask, "Are you sad because he hurt you, or because he hurt your feelings?" And through more sobs she tells me, "I'm sad because he hurt my feelings and why doesn't he like me anymore? But I love him!" from Facebook


Sunday, September 21, 2014

September 21, 2014 at 05:10PM

She's going to be "a fireman, a police, a doctor and a chef" when she grows up. #overachiever from Facebook


Sunday, September 14, 2014

Saturday, September 6, 2014

September 06, 2014 at 03:01PM

Monster: You gotta change your shirt. Me: Why? Monster: Because it's ug-a-lee. Me: Hey that's not a kind thing to say to someone! Monster: I like it though. Me: You just said it's ug-a-lee. Monster: I like ug-a-lee. SMH from Facebook


Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Sunday, August 10, 2014

August 10, 2014 at 06:57PM

"Mommy, is Pocapawn [Pocahantas] a mermaid like Ariel?" from Facebook


Sunday, July 27, 2014

July 27, 2014 at 07:22PM

Quote of the Day (at top volume): "Daddy's a queen, guys!" from Facebook


Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Saturday, July 19, 2014

July 19, 2014 at 04:08PM

"House button" = doorbell. from Facebook


July 19, 2014 at 10:03AM

Driving and #monster starts singing along to Call Me Maybe. #smh #miniteenager from Facebook


Monday, July 14, 2014

Friday, June 20, 2014

June 20, 2014 at 06:33PM

Watching Little Mermaid for the first time in probably a decade or two..Still remember a lot of lines (#monster keeps telling me "Shh!" haha) ..also shocked how old the animation is!.. from Facebook


Monday, May 26, 2014

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

May 06, 2014 at 07:38PM

"Mommy don't dooze dat!" - #monster to Alejandro. She's being a major pill tonight... from Facebook


Sunday, April 13, 2014

April 13, 2014 at 07:11PM

Me: What are you doing over there Monster? Monster: I'm getting stuffs for my thing and the stuffs. from Facebook


Sunday, April 6, 2014

Third Birthday!

Dear Isabella,

Tomorrow you will be three. Three!! How did you get to be three so fast?

It's been an amazing year. The best one yet. I think I've said it before (probably when you started preschool or maybe when you stopped wearing diapers except at night) but you're really not a toddler anymore. You are officially a little girl. 

You sing and dance and have opinions (and you make them known!) and figure things out all by yourself. You test out new vocabulary - and you get the context and tone right most of the time! Your best friend in school is Eva and she's coming to your birthday party next weekend. 

You have full conversations with me and you pretend and you even (*gasp*) lie. Although I don't think you completely understand truth vs. not-truth you know how to say something to get what you want even if it's not true. Like if you ask for a napkin in the car "because I need to wipe my boogers Mommy!" because that's the only reason I'll give it to you but as soon as you get it you start playing with it. 

You're the sweetest girl in the world. You pick me a flower when we get home from school every day if it's not raining and if the landscapers didn't chop 'em all down. You give hugs if you know someone's not feeling well. You RUN! to me screaming, "Mommyyyy!" when I pick you up from school. Your hug and kiss goodnight is often the best part of my day. A lot of the time, Saturday mornings is just you and me, and I love having quiet time with you playing games on my lap while I slowwwwly wake up. 

You're also quite the stubborn monster. Terrible twos were sure full of our share of tantrums, defiance, and "no!" (from both of us), but they weren't so terrible after all. They say three is a time of purposeful defiance and really testing boundaries and testing for consistency. I think I'm up for the challenge - and it will be a challenge because you're too smart for me! 

You know your alphabet - capitals and lower case. You count to about 15 (sometimes you get up to 19). You can make a letter I by yourself and you draw faces by yourself. You figure out puzzles super quickly and you ask very intelligent questions about the pictures in your books. 

What will this coming year bring us? You'll move to the Honu class in June. It will be hard to not have Ms. Bree and Ms. Yuka as your teachers anymore but luckily you'll still see them all the time at school. Ms. Bree was the perfect first teacher for you. (Well actually Ms. Sandy at the 'scovery Center was your first teacher.) What else will happen when you're three? You'll get to see Aunty Sari and her new baby boy Riley. You'll get to visit GranGran in Wisconsin. Abuela is visiting you for your birthday party next week. Will you sit on Santa's lap on your own this Christmas? We shall see. 

Thank you for a beautiful patience-testing amazing wonderful awesome year my little monster. You may be officially a little girl but you will always be my little baby. 

Love always,

Sunday, March 23, 2014

March 23, 2014 at 01:27PM

Yesterday, Monster woke up at 6:45 and started her day with a "why" question and between 6:45 and 11:55am she proceeded to ask approximately 827,202,402,816 why questions. So after lunch at the mall we were driving home and I said, "Monster, can you please stop asking me why why why everything, just for a few minutes?" She said, "But why mommy?" So I said, "Because it's very tiring and I'm starting to get annoyed, ok? So please just take a break from asking why for a few minutes." And she said, "But come?" from Facebook


Thursday, March 20, 2014

March 20, 2014 at 08:47PM

I got home a little late today and Alejandro had fed the #monster and she was playing with the iPad on the couch. I went to her and said, "Can I have a kiss?" She said yes and I kissed her. She then said, "I put my boogers on you." -_- from Facebook



Dear Isabella,

I started this list back in January because we all love your little baby words but you learn the correct ones so quickly! 

Gwowl = girl
Wowdowled = boiled
Oboe = elbow
Cramma = camera
It's darking = it's getting dark
Lookit = look (I want to lookit at you)
Dems = them
All da dings = all the things
Ledder = ladder 
Gwubs = gloves
Stroder = stroller
Oh!meal = oatmeal 
Puh-poe = purple 
Sprize = surprise
Packpack = backpack
Blue blerries = blueberries
Apple-cot = apricot

"Frosty a snowman, was a holly jolly christmas it's the best time of the year, say hello to friends you know, Santa Claus is coming to town.."

In fact, the only ones you still say in your way are "lookit" and "apple-cot." You still say girl "wrong" but it's more like "g'luh." And when you say it sometimes I can tell you know it's "wrong" but we try not to correct you because it's so cute!
