Friday, September 3, 2010

First ultrasound!

Oh my gosh, I was already called out for being a blogging slacker! Haha, sorry, but first trimester exhaustion is making life pretty - well, exhausting. I wake up early, make some breakfast, take a shower and head off to work. After work I'm so wiped out and starving that I take a shower, eat some dinner and conk out until about 1 or 2am. Then I'm up for a couple of hours until I give in and eat a small snack to make the nausea go away, and then I fall asleep again. It's a sad routine. And it's frustrating that I have no energy to even turn on the computer when I get home.

Someone asked me the other day how I feel so far about pregnancy - I told them, "To be honest, so far it sucks." People talk about loving being pregnant, how great they feel. So far for me, it's equated mostly just to constant low-level nausea, an exhaustion that feels like the flu, insomnia worse than I already had it, and a need to pee that makes the phrase "frequent urge to urinate" a joke. Even when I'm peeing, I need to pee. They tell me the second trimester is great. Only four more weeks to go...

But on a happier note, we had our first ultrasound on Tuesday! We found out that the actual due date is April 14th, based on the size of the fetus. We even saw the heartbeat. It's a pretty weird concept to know this little creature is growing inside of me. The book (What to Expect When You're Expecting) says our little bean is about the size of a raspberry right now. I bet it's red and bumpy like a raspberry too. Heehee, sorry Bean, not to tease or anything. :)

Anyway below is a copy of the ultrasound, labeled by my doctor. Our first baby picture! :)

1 comment:

  1. My grandchild is so gorgeous! I think it looks just a little more like Alex than Lauren though! Love, Mom/Joan
